

The department of Zoology was started in the year 1946. Zoology is the branch of biology concerned with the study animals and animal kingdom. It is also known as animal biology.

The zoology department conducts regular study tours, field studies and industrial visits to impart knowledge on the basics and applied aspects of the subject. Various hands on trainings and workshops on animal tissue culture and chromosomal studies are also arranged for the students. The department faculties are involved in Research activity.

Zoology is an Exciting Field of Study!

Zoology makes a huge impact on our world through the scientific study of the evolution, anatomy, physiology, behavior, habitats, and health of animals and humans.  It includes diverse approaches such as electron microscopy, molecular genetics, human genetics, biochemistry and field ecology. By studying animals we develop a better understanding of how we, ourselves, function and interact with the world around us.

Descriptive statistics
Probability and probability distribution
Inferential statistics

You will like Zoology if...

You often wonder how or why our bodies work the way they do.
You have a strong desire to understand human or animal interactions with their environments.
Working in a DNA lab or a human anatomy teaching lab sounds intriguing.
You enjoy learning about cell biology, physiology and ecology.
You want to pursue medical school, dental school or another pre-medical professional program.

Sub disciplines of zoology:

Sub disciplines that concentrate on specific divisions of animal life. Zoology expanded behind the comparative anatomy to include the following sub-disciplines:

Comparative anatomy
Animal physiology
Human genetics
Behavioural Ecology
Ethology studies animal behaviour
Invertebrate and vertebrate zoology
Taxonomically oriented disciplines. identify and classify species and study the structures and mechanisms specific to those groups.

Course Outcomes of Zoology