Institutional Distinctiveness

M. G. Science Institute aims to impart quality education and promote creativity with an emphasis on holistic development of the students. One area where the Institute strongly focuses on, and has a distinctive performance is its teaching/learning process which is thoroughly robust and multidimensional.

  • The Institute website displays Codes of conduct and learning outcomes. They are explained to the students by the facilitators. This knowledge helps teachers and students to set their goals and strive to achieve them. FDPs and seminars for teachers are regularly conducted, the
  • The traditional methods of teaching are enhanced with ICT and other innovative and engaging methods so as to keep the students interested in the topic at hand and to increase the interface in the class. Participative and experiential learning are often used. Sophisticated instruments, software, hands-on trainings, summer-schools, field-visits, industrial visits and training, etc., are employed
  • The Wi-Fi services are upgraded from time to time. There is a fully functioning auditorium with Audio-Visual and Wi-Fi facility to hold regular seminars, symposia, cultural activities, film-shows as well as other meetings. The Institute invites learned speakers from the Government, Academia and Alumni to share their knowledge and interact with students and staff.
  • The Institute has received the prestigious DBT Star college, UGC-CPE and RUSA grants as well as from research projects and alumni which are helpful in imparting quality education.
  • Regular programs are amalgamated by Career oriented and certificate programs imparting skills. Special bridge courses like Biodiversity are also offered to students. Continuous comprehensive assessment is followed at the Institute.
  • The Institute has strong norms for discipline and keeps a keen eye on attendance, assignments, submissions and the like. The academic audit conducted annually by the management, promotes a healthy teaching-learning atmosphere.
  • The Institute has a big repository of books, journals, periodicals, theses, rare editions, manuscripts, and videos for the use of all staff and students. Moreover, it is registered with INFLIBNET and has access to eShodhSindhu, e-journals, Shodhganga, etc. provided through N-LIST membership. The library is partially digitalized by bar-coding the books.
  • There is an ecosystem for research and innovation which supports creation and transfer of knowledge. In the last five years, the Institute has acquired twelve projects bringing in funds of more than 1.5 crore rupees. Research is also done by students and they are taught how to present them at seminars. There have been 127 research publications in journals of national and international repute. The faculty have also published books and book-chapters.
  • Institute encourages participation in sports, cultural and extension activities. It participates in AAA, GSIRF, NIRF and other accreditations to realize its vision and mission. The promising results of such surveys over the years have instilled a sense of achievement in the teachers and pride and confidence in the students.
  • most recent being, a seminar on ‘outcome based education.
  • E-governance is now adopted in several areas of functioning.