

Organic Chemistry is the part of Chemistry that deals and studies carbon compoundsand it is a subdiscipline of chemistry that studies the structure, properties and reactions of compounds. This is an important aspect because it is a study of the chemical reactions related to life. Several careers apply an understanding of organic chemistry, such as doctors, veterinarians, dentists, pharmacologists, chemical engineers, and chemists.

Organic compounds form the basis of all earthly life and constitute the majority of known chemicals. The bonding patterns of carbon, with its valence of four—formal single, double, and triple bonds, plus structures with delocalized electrons—make the array of organic compounds structurally diverse, and their range of application is enormous.

PhD Programme

Our institute runs PhD programme in Botany, Geology, Microbiology, and Organic chemistry. Enrolment of students to this programme is done as per the nomes of Gujarat University. The institute has all necessary facilities and infrastructure to carryout research work.