Cultural Activities

Extension Activities: Cultural Activities

Cultural activities prepare students for real life and strengthen their personal skills such as organizational, presentation, leadership and interpersonal communication.. Social/cultural activities help students to identify themselves with their Institute and create a sense of belonging. As this is of paramount importance, the Institute encourages students to participate in all extra-curricular cultural activities like Music, Dance, Theatre, Art, Literary activities and the like, that help in their all-round development. Students participate in arts and culture at varying levels of skill and engagement. Some create and perform, while others listen to, watch, critique, or provide support with their presence.

The Institute has a cultural committee and every year, at least 12-15 events are organized here during the cultural fest. Participation in University Youth Festival is a regular activity at the Institute. Each year, at least 40 students represent the Institute in 12-14 different events of the University Youth festival. Some teams also perform at the interzonal and zonal level.

Our dance team is also invited to perform on bigger platforms like the Ahmedabad Doordarshan and Kankaria Carnival.

Many students have made a career in theatre as actors, directors, etc. and in music as singers, performers or even RJs. Some have their own music band. Some have become artists of repute.