
What Do Electronics Engineers Do?

From the toaster and radio to the cellular phone and GPS satellite, the use of electronics has permeated every facet of the developed world. The ongoing operation of the modern society requires that electronic devices be continually designed, redesigned, maintained and comprehended. Electrical engineering is a broad specialization of the engineering discipline that pertains to the various practical aspects of electronic systems. Certified/Degree holder electronics engineers are called upon to design a wide field of hardware and software, provide technical support, inspect electronic equipment for efficient operation and compliance with safety codes, and to prepare documentation regarding technical details of electronic equipment.

Electronics engineering is studied at the post-secondary educational level at colleges and universities. Once they have completed undergraduate education. They are expected to satisfactorily complete additional courses and examination before certification, and the Professional Engineer (P. Eng) designation, is conferred.

Once prepared for the job market, electronics engineers are free to pursue many different positions to suit their specific talents. These include, but are not limited to, sales and service of electronic equipment, research and development, communication networking, and design. An experienced electronic engineer may seek a position in project management, working with clients, suppliers and manufacturers to develop electronic products or systems from the ground up. Many engineers choose to work as self-employed inventors, while others seek employment almost anywhere in the public of private sectors, including telecommunications companies, IT companies, financial institutions, research laboratories and anywhere else electronics are found.

Course Outcomes of Electronics